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Learning and resources on gender in education
Éducation inclusive et handicap en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
This presentation was delivered during a webinar "Gender and disability inclusion in education: evidence from West and Central Africa" organized by UNGEI, IIEP-UNESCO, UNICEF, Sightsavers and Humanity & Inclusion. The presenter was Kokou Sefako Amelewonou, Spécialiste de l'éducation, Accès équitable et enfants non scolarisés au Bureau régional de l'Ouest et du Centre de l'UNICEF.
The content of the presentation:
- Presentation of quantitative study (MICS-6 report)
- Objective of the report and link to regional priorities
- Source of data/information
- Definition of child functioning
- What is child functioning? What are disabilities?
- Measuring child functioning
- Selected results from the report
- Recommendations
Author: N/A
Publication year:
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Source: N/A
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Equitable and Inclusive education