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Guidance, manuals & handbooks

Guidelines for Inclusive and Gender Responsive Training Delivery in Technical and Vocational Training Colleges

Institution guidelines

Ensuring an inclusive and gender-responsive learning environment is a goal of technical and vocational institutions in Malawi. These guidelines are intended for administrators and instructors in technical, entrepreneurial and vocational education and training (TEVET) centres. The guidelines aim to assist each training institution in their planning and decision-making processes, including in their use of finances and human resources. The guidelines are developed based on the findings from a study supported by the Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP) on gender and inclusion in the TEVET system, conducted in October and November 2017.

Author: N/A
Publication year:
Language: English
Country: Malawi
Subtheme: TVET
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Guidance, manuals & handbooks
PDF, 8p
Source: Download

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