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Learning and resources on gender in education

Exploring the School to Work Transition for Adolescent Girls
Full report
Marginalised adolescent girls should be able to move to livelihood opportunities – not only formal jobs but also informal work and self-employment – that are secure, safe, fulfilling and productive. So that they can make that transition, it is vital to extend their education to 12 years of quality schooling. This will give them chances to acquire the kinds of skills they need, and to look beyond the education system to bring down barriers to their full participation in society. This report aims to highlight key barriers for...
Marginalised adolescent girls should be able to move to livelihood opportunities – not only formal jobs but also informal work and self-employment – that are secure, safe, fulfilling and productive. So that they can make that transition, it is vital to extend their education to 12 years of quality schooling. This will give them chances to acquire the kinds of skills they need, and to look beyond the education system to bring down barriers to their full participation in society. This report aims to highlight key barriers for adolescent girls in their transition to secure and productive livelihoods. It draws on a range of published research that has been identified through searches of conventional academic databases. These searches were conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic; updates have been incorporated based on a rapid review of relevant literature focused on the particular challenges related to the pandemic. The main purpose of the report is to identify key policy directions based on the identified literature, not to offer a rigorous or systematic review.