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Learning and resources on gender in education

Promoting gender equity and equality of access to quality basic education in northern Ghana: The Wing School Model
This publication presents the main findings from a case study on access to quality basic education in the Gushegu district and uses this as a basis for outlining areas that need further research and development intervention for girls’ education. It discusses the impact of programmes and policies implemented by the Alliance for Change in Education (ACE) in Wing Schools in the Gushegu district on access to basic education, particularly for girls. The case study methodology entailed mixed methods: qualitative and quantitative primary data was collected in the field...
This publication presents the main findings from a case study on access to quality basic education in the Gushegu district and uses this as a basis for outlining areas that need further research and development intervention for girls’ education. It discusses the impact of programmes and policies implemented by the Alliance for Change in Education (ACE) in Wing Schools in the Gushegu district on access to basic education, particularly for girls. The case study methodology entailed mixed methods: qualitative and quantitative primary data was collected in the field using questionnaires and focus group discussions with head teachers, students, and community members and secondary data was gleaned from previous studies, office records, and both district and regional reports on enrolment, teacher population, performance, teaching and learning materials, and views about the project.