Leave no girl behind
A new wave of activism for girls’ education
12 years of quality education for all girls everywhere
Leave No Girl Behind is a global campaign bringing together a broad coalition of individuals and organizations calling for the world to deliver on its promise of 12 years of quality education for all. We’re working to drive increased investment, build political will, and champion proven approaches in order to break down the barriers for the most marginalized in education: girls.
Join the #LeaveNoGirlBehind Campaign
The world is failing to deliver on its promise of 12 years of quality education for all children, and girls remain the most marginalized. Join a new wave of activism for girls’ education. Call on world leaders to put the furthest behind first by taking action to ensure every girl can go to school, stay in school and succeed.

Breaking Barriers to Leave No Girl Behind
A global call to action
In this joint statement the governments of Canada, the UK, France, Niger, Kenya and Jordan together with seven multilateral and civil society organizations set out 11 resolutions to ensure every girl gets the education she needs to transform her life and secure her future. Issued at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, this represents a call to action and shared resolve to work together to deliver for girls.
Explore the #LeaveNoGirlBehind policy briefs h4>
Join the advocacy movement to #LeaveNoGirlBehind h4>
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Our mission. Our goal. Our vision. Stand with us in calling for 12 years of quality education for all girls everywhere 🌍 by 2030 → www.ungei.org/take-action/advocate/leave-no-girl-behind #LeaveNoGirlBehind