Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Addressing child marriage through education: What the evidence shows
There is strong evidence of the positive effect that education has on delaying marriage for girls. But we know much less about the kinds of education policies and programmes that can most effectively reduce child marriage. A growing body of evidence and research is helping to shed light on what works to keep girls in school. This brief summarises (1) the links between child marriage and education, and the importance of investing in girls' education, (2) common barriers to girls' education and what we know about addressing them, including examples...
There is strong evidence of the positive effect that education has on delaying marriage for girls. But we know much less about the kinds of education policies and programmes that can most effectively reduce child marriage. A growing body of evidence and research is helping to shed light on what works to keep girls in school. This brief summarises (1) the links between child marriage and education, and the importance of investing in girls' education, (2) common barriers to girls' education and what we know about addressing them, including examples of successful strategies, and (3) a set of policy recommendations for how the education sector can contribute to ending child marriage.