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De meilleurs financements pour faire progresser l’égalité des genres dans l’éducation

En quoi la qualité des financements a-t-elle un impact sur l’éducation des filles et quelles actions mettre en place?

It is crucially important to get every dollar of value from financing for  girls’ education. Two simple processes, which are increasingly used  in many countries, open the door to ensuring value for money at the  same time as improving gender equality. These processes are ‘gender  responsive public expenditure management’ and ‘cost effectiveness  analysis’. This policy note shows how these processes are already  generating success in Uganda, and provides some pointers for how  best to introduce them. 


Also available in: English
Author: N/A
Publication year:
Language: English, French
Region: Global
Country: N/A
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Policy & advocacy briefs
PDF, 12p
Source: N/A
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