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Evidence building and good practice to advance girls’ education and gender equality

As a partnership, we’re committed to promoting evidence-based solutions to advance gender equality in and through education. A core part of this work is through the development resources for the sharing of good practice in girls’ education and gender equality. These resources focus on four thematic areas.

Putting gender equality at the heart of education

To close the gender gap in education and unlock its gender transformative power, gender equality has to be embedded in every aspect of education, starting with a gender-responsive education sector plan.

Gender-responsive education sector planning

The GRESP Guidance and policy brief are designed to help equip policy makers, planners and practitioners to  integrate gender equality into every aspect of the education sector planning cycle –  identifying gender barriers within education systems and ensuring that strategies and policies are in place to address them along with the needed resources, oversight and accountability.

Gender and education in emergencies

Leaving no one behind in education means putting the furthest behind first by breaking barriers for girls in crisis-affected contexts.

INEE Guidance Note on Gender

Produced in partnership with INEE, the Guidance Note on Gender has been developed for policymakers, practitioners and everyone involved in education as part of emergency preparedness, response or recovery to ensure that programming is gender-responsive by design. Reflecting the changing nature of crises, the Guidance Note features a range of new strategies, tools and approaches for putting gender equality at the heart of education in crisis-affected contexts.

Addressing threats to girls’ education in conflict-affected contexts

Recognizing the unique and intersecting barriers that girls face in conflict-affected contexts, this review and policy note examine threats to girls’ education and practices as well as approaches and interventions to overcome them. Lessons drawn inform recommendations for strengthening gender-responsive education programming in humanitarian settings.

Every girl in school and learning

To achieve gender equality in education we need to ensure equality of access, experience and opportunities for all children, starting with the most marginalized: girls.

Ending school-related gender-based violence

Only when schools are safe and gender-sensitive spaces, free of violence in all its forms, will learners be able to fulfil their right to a quality education.

A whole school approach to prevent SRGBV

Minimum standards and monitoring framework

This guide provides a framework to guide policy makers and practitioners in designing school violence prevention programmes and strengthening response actions. The prevention model is based on eight evidence-based standards and is accompanied by a monitoring approach with proposed indicators at school, district and national levels.

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